Bonjour and Hello GSS!
Week of February 8-12
Each week, I will be posting what we will be up to for the week. Please be sure to stop by, especially if you will be absent. Here's where you can be aware of due dates for upcoming tasks.
---- please remember that all plans are subject to change ----
FSF 1P - Applied 9 French -
lundi - review and practice of ER IR RE verbs. Be sure to know AVOIR and ETRE!! Students are to complete either IR or RE worksheet (note on the back) for homework.
mardi - puzzle of ER IR RE verbs, and crossword ER verbs. Cahier p.4 and p. 6
mercredi - Battleship ER IR RE verbs. Practice speaking these verbs.
jeudi - Recherche-ami (p.7 of cahier). You will complete this page, conjugating the necessary verbs and hand in for a writing mark.
vendredi - CAHIER MONEY IS NOW DUE - $15 - N'oubliex pas!!
----YOU WILL HAVE A QUICK QUIZ ON ER IR and RE verbs! ----
USSR and cahier p.9 and 10.
lundi - lisez p.6 et 7 du texte, complètez p. 2,3 of cahier.
mardi - learning dès que, aussitôt que, lorsque, quand, après que, regardez p.12 du texte, essayez p.9 du cahier, et répondez aus questions en utilsant le futur antérieur.
1. Quand je serai entré(é) mes années 20, __________________
2. Dès que j'aurai fini l'école secondaire, ___________________
3.Lorsque nous aurons appris le futur antérieur, ______________
4. Aussitôt que j'aurai reçu mon permit de conduire _____________
Listening p.7. Cahier p. 8, 11 pour les devoirs.
mercredi - on va lire d'Henri II et Catherine et Diane.
lisez p.18-19 du texte
complètez p. 18 du cahier
Vous allez crèer une petite présentation pour la classe que vous présenterez jeudi. Imaginez que vous êtes Henri, Catherine, Diane... quelle drame!
jeudi - vous aurez la classe pour vous préparer pour la présentation. Soyez certaines que vous lisiez la rubrique!
vendredi - la présentation de chaque groupe! Pour les devoirs, lisez p. 22 et 23 du texte.
GLC 2o - Hello to all you Careers students!
Monday - There are 8 learning styles or "different types of intelligences". Quiz and compare, and think of good study hints for those who want to improve their weaker (or less preferred) intelligences.
Tuesday - BE SURE to hand in your DREAM BOARD! I'm looking forward to seeing them! Role playing different personalities (Type A, B, etc) and family dynamics --- recognize their affect on how we are as people.
Wednesday - Read about Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert). What do you think of this youtube video about this occupation?
You will complete a journal entry for marks, that you will hand in at the end of class. You will have the rest of class to study.
Thursday - QUIZ #1. Know the terms and people we have discussed and be able to identify, explain and apply their meanings to situations.
The Pursuit of Happyness film - be sure to answer questions for it along the way.
Friday - Continue the Pursuit of Happyness. Answer questions and have them ready to hand in on Monday! ( if film is not finished, we will finish Monday and you will have some time to complete the unanswered film questions).
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