Tuesday, September 15, 2015

le 15 septembre

FSF 2D-  Review of how to describe things we have done -  Nous avons continué avec notre révision en regardant et en lisant (by watching and reading) les paroles / lyrics d'une chanson.  Students are encouraged to try all the links available on the blog for additional reinforcement.
Here is the link to the song - we learned the expression ne... que - Ne s'aimer que la nuit
I think students are becoming more familiar in recognizing hints and using strategies to get the big ideas presented when listening to French.

Play battleship here to practice the passé composé with être

FSF 1D- Today, students were busy doing many activities as review and reinforcement for their first speaking task (Thursday) and their listening task in the lab on Friday.

Click here to watch the video we interpreted.

We also create dialogues on the spot with our partners. Here are some phrases we are familiar with:

Bonjour / Salut / Allo!!!              Enchantée!


Ca va bien?                   Oui, ça va. / Non, ça ne va pas.    Comme çi, comme ça.  Merci !   C’est fantastique!  

Comment ça va?   / Tu t’appelles comment?         Je m’appelle  ________________. Et toi?


D’où viens-tu?                                               Je viens du Canada. Je suis canadien / canadienne.


Quel âge as-tu?           J’habite à Grimsby!  J’habite à Smithville. J’habite à Beamsville.


Où est-ce que tu habites?                          J’ai ________ ans.                  Mon âge est _________.


Quel est ton numéro de téléphone?      Mon numéro de téléphone est __________________________


Est-ce que tu aimes l’école?      Oui, j'aime l'école. Non, je n'aime pas l'école (pas la vérité!!!)  =)
Students also can identify phone numbers, say their own (fictional), understand French names and how they differ in English, spell them and others... They have been busy!!
Students will have lots of resources in their binder to access when completing performance tasks (proojects). Bravo grade nines. Good start! Bon début!

FSF 3U / 4U - Today, after modeling, we listened and shared activities that may or may not have happened in the past. We identified which were des mensonges, and which we de la vérité. We are recognizing families of words (mentir, mensonge, menteur, menteuse), and started to prepare for our first unit about work and our future.

Here are two links to help.
Scroll down here to access les emplois - Regardez les photos and become familiar with these professions en anglais!

Here is the link that I showed you in class - go to "suivant" in the bottom right hand corner to try more listening activities!!!

Students also started creating their own liste de mes accomplissements. They have a lot to list, I bet!!

Bonne journée!

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