Wednesday, September 30, 2015

le 30 septembre

FSF 2D - Today we did a fun listening activity en français about animal noises to get warmed up. Then, we read some mixed up events and placed them in a timeline en français. We recognized the words and phrases depuis, ça faisait, il y a   _____    / il y avais  _______ ans. Students thought critically to deduce which events happened first, which happened for a while, and which were debateable and why. Tomorrow we will listen to a paragraph and place events on a timeline. The rest of class was dedicated to our Conte de fée work where students will complete or summarize un conte de fée en français for a speaking mark. BE SURE TO GO TO ELEARNING and email MME to vote for your choice of rating scale for your evaluation.   =)

FSF 1D - Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and be sure to hand in your arbre généalogique!!

FSF 3U  / 4U   - We started class by looking at a chart of different animaux, and identified how they were all related to one another (poule, poussin or chein, chienne, chiot). We then listened to an activity without any visual clues to identify what info (about the world of work) was being shared, by whom, why, and what type of tv program it could be. Students completed a quick assessment to see if they could identify the grande idée de l'émission. Words we became familiar with; au globale, également, par contre, faire attention, faire face, mal à l'aise et malaise. We are wrapping up our World of Work unit and will be completing our dramatization (get your interview skills honed and prepare to elaborate en français =) ) VENDREDI!!!
link to TVA nouvelles - doit-on parler de salaires?

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