Tuesday, October 13, 2015

le 13 octobre

Bonjour classes!

Hope everyone had a good long weekend! On Thursday last week, we were in the lab and our work can be found on elearning.

FSF 2D- Today, we talked about ways to be respectful and show good active listening, by learning some expressions. We also changed our seating plan, watched some publicités, and talked about their purposes, how effective they were and what was good about them. Students will be sharing opinions for marks on Thursday October 15.

FSF 1D-  Today, we answered questions to describe what we did or didn't do this past weekend, we played dix but with MRS DR VANDERTRAMP verbs to develop our knowledge of describing the past. We started working on our quick Alamo d'Etres to demonstrate that we know what those actions look like when written in the past. We are gearing up for our first written activity.  Students are encouraged to play the games and do the activities online on D2L for practice. There are some here.
THERE IS A SELF ASSESSED QUIZ the first twenty minutes of class tomorrow.  ☺

Can you match these phrases to the photos?

Click on the link below to play a helpful game.

FSF 3U / 4U - Students prepared for their writing task tomorrow (a resume and questionnaire) by completing a sequencing activity using concepts taught to describe the past and chronologically explain the first actions (plus - que - parfait, imparfait, passé compose). We completed a listening activity with it and watched an episode of Raphael. You can find it here;
Raphael au Togo

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