Monday, October 5, 2015

le 5 octobre

FSF 2D - Today students practiced, group assessed for feedback, and then presented their renditions of fairy tales! They were fantastic. As a listening component, students were to identify 3 events from three different stories they heard and plot them on a timeline. Nicely done!!!

FSF 1D - Some students read the blog and answered my question correctly! We continued our discovery of Madagascar by debriefing about Friday, by watching another video and analyzing its purpose, and by answering Vrai ou Faux to the questions based on the video (students now know what animals exist, as well as a bit more about how Madagascar looks). These questions described things that were done in the video. We are reviewing / learning passé composé. We partnered up, found actions that happened on our question sheet, identified differences and similarities, and then filled out a 'minute note' on passé composé to use as a reference. Students then told me what they did over the weekend by pointing to parfois / souvent, rarement, toujours or jamais on their chalkboards, and created some sentences on their own in passé composé. ON WEDNESDAY, we will have a little quiz at the end of class to make sure we can describe common activities in the past.

Voici le vidéo que nous avons vu.

Click here to practice by playing a game... J'ai vu will help!! ☺ There are a few challenges as well!

FSF 3U / 4U - We wrapped up some speaking evaluations where 'interview' like questions were conducted. We also (all on elearning) checked out the plus-que-parfait, and had a "Bilan de mes competences" worksheet to be our first portfolio task for written marks.

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