Wednesday, March 31, 2010
GLC 20 - Good presentations
This website has guidelines for every part of your poster, from headlines to graphics. Use the left hand side to navigate about poster specifics.
Just as insightful:
FSF 3U Ceux Celle link
This is your note and first practice for these words. Please be sure to complete 59 of your cahier.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Week after March Break - March 22-27
FSF 3U computer lab instructions Nom: ________________________________
- Login using your username and password. Remember that using the computers and the internet is a privilege and any act of vandalism or abuse of the computer or internet will result in loss of this privilege.
- Go to and click on Student Login/Registration. Click on Create A New Student Account. School ID is 2687, and fill in the info required. This info is confidential. Need to remember your username and password? Write it and keep this page in your books; ____________________________________________________________________________
- Click on French Verbs in the orange box to the left of the screen. From the list, please try activities for 1. INDICATIVE MOOD: THE COMPOUND TENSES, a) #17. LE PASSE COMPOSE: ALL VERBS , b) # 18. LE PLUS-QUE-PARFAIT and c) #19. LE FUTUR ANTERIEUR . Choose All Verbs to conjugate, or just the ones you know. Be sure to practice irregulars that you are not entirely familiar with!! You will see irregulars on your quiz tomorrow. Please send all results to me.
- When completed, go to and complete the story as instructed. This is similar to the type of quiz you will have. You will be expected to identify the difference between those 3 verb tenses in the past, as well as the present.
- To apply your practice, try to fill out this story of Christophe Colomb with the appropriate verb tenses.
- If completed all exercices, you may continue to practice at this website; and choose matching, concentration or flashcards.
- BRING YOUR HEADPHONES TOMORROW to complete your listening component of your quiz tomorrow!!
Monday - Open book quiz. Please see Mme if you need to complete this. We now understand POUVOIR and VOULOIR conjugations (p.38 of cahier) and completed p.39 and the top of p.40.
Tuesday - Listening activity.
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
lundi - Compréhension de lecture --- MUST BE IN MARDI le 23 mars.
FSF 3U Compréhension de lecture
Complete the following questions en français. Spelling and grammar will be evaluated (.5 for each error). Use the journals from page pages 55-60 to answer the questions correctly. (24)
Qu’est-ce que Cécile a reçu pour son quinzième anniversaire? (2)
Pourquoi est-ce que Cécile habite avec les Leblanc? Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé a son vrai père? (4)
Quelle tradition vient chez les Acadiens Le jour des Rois? Expliquez la tradition de la bague. (4)
Pourquoi est-ce que le 22 novembre est un jour important chez les Leblanc? (2)
Qui était Pierre Paradis? (2)
Pourquoi est-ce que la vraie maman de Cécile n’est pas venue chez les Leblanc? (2)
Expliquez les tristes nouvelles que les Leblanc ont reçu à propros du navire de capitaine Doucet? (2)
Parce que le pays est en guerre, c’est difficile être riche. La Nouvelle-Ecosse peut faire de bon commerce malgré ça. Comment? (3)
Donnez quatre points que te donne l’impression que l’Acadie est plein de familles pauvres. (8)
Comment est-ce que les Acadiens existent? Lisez encore page 52 et 53 pour décrire. Ecrivez un petit paragraph pour expliquer. (5)
Vocabulaire (10)
Quels sont les mots pour
1. un marché 6. mieux
2. épouser 7. bois
3. hériter 8. s’habituer
4. bonheur 9. n’est plus avec nous
5. coeur 10. un autre mot pour un grand bateau =
mardi - plus-que-parfait
mercredi -
jeudi -
vendredi -
GLC 20
Monday - Rm 102, lab. We are now starting our Culminating Activity. You must choose a career that you will be interested in presenting to the class, and you will be completing a chart in order to start your visual presentation soon.
Tuesday - Rm 102
Wednesday - References - this is part of a final mark as well. You will need a good copy to hand in with a resume and a completed job application.
Thursday - Completing a job application.
Friday - Rm 102. You should be now finding photos, printing out banners, small write-ups to add to your visual presentation.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bonjour tout le monde!
I hope you're all enjoying your break. I have been away from my laptop for a few days, which was nice, and I apologize for the delay.
Since it's Friday, I'm only expecting you to read the journal entries I listed on Friday (all the journal entries from Cecile on p56-60 ). Be sure you are well aware of the content (look up words that may be challenging on, and attempt to summarize the events and information you've read as well,you could also complete the comprehension questions on p.60 for practice).
When you arrive back on Monday, you will have an individual in-class reading assignment that will be due at the end of the period. It will be based on these readings.
Please mention this to classmates that were absent. They will be expected to complete the task as well.
Bon weekend! Profitez du soleil aujourd'hui!
GLC20 Careers
Hope you're having a great March break!
To catch up on last weeks work, and to print your certificate, please EMAIL ME for your cheat sheet to complete and follow the instructions on that page, as well as in the blog below. EMAIL ME FOR YOUR PIN and PASSWORDS AS WELL. I will be checking emails daily.
Enjoy the sun! Have a good weekend and see you Monday!
Mrs. Bell.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Careers Lab #4 Thursday March 11
You will receive a worksheet with an info sheet about work safety.
Read the worksheet and follow all instructions carefully. Take notes as you will be tested in order to receive your certificate.
When you have completed the tests, print out your certificate and show Mrs. Bell. Be sure to show your rough work as well. THIS IS WORTH 50 MARKS. COMPLETE IT TODAY!
Use the rest of your class time to work on your safety poster.
The site is a great way to make a poster without doing any hand cutting and pasting.
REMEMBER, the poster is due Monday March 23.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Career Lab Time Friday
Please visit the following websites and be sure to answer the following questions. Write the responses in a word document (you will be emailing them to me today).
at an interview --
dealing with a job interview -
1 . What did the interviewee do to prepare? /3
2 . Describe his non-verbal language that he conveyed which helped him be successful in the interview. How did the interviewer and interviewee convey feedback? What good body language habits did you notice? /3
3 . What questions did the interviewer ask? What information was she looking for? /3
4 . What questions did the interviewee ask? Were these questions impressive? Why / Why not? /3
5 . How do you feel the interview went? What verbal and non-verbal language of his would you emulate (copy or shadow) and why? /3
Once you have finished the questions, please find your own video of ineffective communication. Provide the link to the video in the word document (it can be an interview, meeting, chat at school, etc). Once you have provided the link, be sure it works because I will access it. You will provide an explanation below describing why this is ineffective communication - be sure to use terms we have talked about in class this week (listener, speaker, message, feedback, etc). /5
Then, use the rest of the class time to catch up on overdue work. You will be getting your updated marks today. They are also posted on the door.
If you are up to date, thank you! Way to go! You can now start researching to decide which career/occupation you will showcase as your final project. Use Career Cruising to find the career of your choice.
Have a great sunny weekend!!!
Remember, interim reports come out next week, if you have overdue work, hand it in MONDAY !!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
First week of March
lundi - review for our quiz Thursday, p.15 and p.17 of our cahier will be completed and we will also start our Venn Diagram.
mardi - review for our quiz Thursday, we will be completing our Venn Diagram.
mercredi - remember there is a quiz Thursday !! We will be practicing what we have learned so far in the library. Please check the following ;
FSF 1P - Lab day #1
Please read and follow the instructions carefully. Here are some games to practice and entertain!
- Please be sure your Venn Diagram is finished before you play any of the games listed below. The Venn Diagram is due tomorrow. This list is also available on my teacher blog
Remember your quiz is tomorrow!
A) - Practice the verb AIMER and type in the conjugations
B) - Match the verbs with the correct phrases
C) - Practice and time yourself ! How fast can you complete the game?
D) - Get the duck to the castle! Click ‘nouveau jeu’ and choose the correct sentence below the gameboard to move along the board.
E) - Can you choose the correct food? Visit restaurants around the world and order, but order carefully, you could order an animal!
F) – online wordsearch – can you find the colours?
G) - Read the list of verbs and try to match them up with the correct photos.
Choose your own games from the following list
Remember, your quiz is tomorrow. Please use your cahier to study and redo the questions from Monday and Tuesday to help.
jeudi - Quiz. We will be working on our presentations of our Venn Diagram
vendredi - We will begin our presentations, and USSR will occur. Please be sure you have reading material.
lundi - a la bibliotheque
mardi - on va apprendre les adjectifs, adverbs et noms de qualite. Il y a une note, et on fait p.36 de notre cahier.
mercredi - on va finir le film Le Grand Voyage. Faites les questions pour vendredi.
jeudi - jeu de revision
vendredi - apportez vos projets! PROJECTS ARE DUE MONDAY. You can email me rough copies whenever you'd like for proofreading.
GLC 20
Monday - Discussed trends and had on outlook on the changes we can expect in the workforce. Be sure to get the necessary definitions if you don't have them already.
Tuesday - Effective communication activity. Be sure to get the necessary definitions if you don't have them already.
Wednesday - lab time. We are visiting and completing a scavenger hunt. We will also hopefully have time to complete the My Skills questionnaire in Career Cruising.
Thursday - We are lucky to have 2 guest speakers join us!
Friday - We will have another lab period.
Lab Time #3
Please visit the following websites and be sure to answer the following questions. Write the responses in a word document (you will be emailing them to me today).
at an interview -- with a job interview -
1 . What did the interviewee do to prepare?
2 . Describe his non-verbal language that he conveyed which helped him be successful in the interview. How did the interviewer and interviewee convey feedback? What good body language habits did you notice?
3 . What questions did the interviewer ask? What information was she looking for?
4 . What questions did the interviewee ask? Were these questions impressive? Why / Why not?
5 . How do you feel the interview went? What verbal and non-verbal language of his would you emulate (copy or shadow) and why?
Once you have finished the questions, please find your own video of ineffective communication. Provide the link to the video in the word document (it can be an interview, meeting, chat at school, etc). Once you have provided the link, be sure it works because I will access it. You will provide an explanation below describing why this is ineffective communication - be sure to use terms we have talked about in class this week (listener, speaker, message, feedback, etc). /5
Then, use the rest of the class time to catch up on overdue work. You will be getting your updated marks today. They are also posted on the door.
If you are up to date, thank you! Way to go! You can now start researching to decide which career/occupation you will showcase as your final project. Use Career Cruising to find the career of your choice.