FSF 3U computer lab instructions Nom: ________________________________
- Login using your username and password. Remember that using the computers and the internet is a privilege and any act of vandalism or abuse of the computer or internet will result in loss of this privilege.
- Go to www.conjuguemos.com and click on Student Login/Registration. Click on Create A New Student Account. School ID is 2687, and fill in the info required. This info is confidential. Need to remember your username and password? Write it and keep this page in your books; ____________________________________________________________________________
- Click on French Verbs in the orange box to the left of the screen. From the list, please try activities for 1. INDICATIVE MOOD: THE COMPOUND TENSES, a) #17. LE PASSE COMPOSE: ALL VERBS , b) # 18. LE PLUS-QUE-PARFAIT and c) #19. LE FUTUR ANTERIEUR . Choose All Verbs to conjugate, or just the ones you know. Be sure to practice irregulars that you are not entirely familiar with!! You will see irregulars on your quiz tomorrow. Please send all results to me.
- When completed, go to http://www.tolearnfrench.com/exercises/exercise-french-2/exercise-french-38452.php and complete the story as instructed. This is similar to the type of quiz you will have. You will be expected to identify the difference between those 3 verb tenses in the past, as well as the present.
- To apply your practice, try to fill out this story of Christophe Colomb with the appropriate verb tenses. http://elearn.mtsac.edu/bvigano/french4/exercises/include/fillin.asp?ex=chriscolomb
- If completed all exercices, you may continue to practice at this website; http://www.quia.com/custom/3793main.html and choose matching, concentration or flashcards.
- BRING YOUR HEADPHONES TOMORROW to complete your listening component of your quiz tomorrow!!
Monday - Open book quiz. Please see Mme if you need to complete this. We now understand POUVOIR and VOULOIR conjugations (p.38 of cahier) and completed p.39 and the top of p.40.
Tuesday - Listening activity.
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
lundi - Compréhension de lecture --- MUST BE IN MARDI le 23 mars.
FSF 3U Compréhension de lecture
Complete the following questions en français. Spelling and grammar will be evaluated (.5 for each error). Use the journals from page pages 55-60 to answer the questions correctly. (24)
Qu’est-ce que Cécile a reçu pour son quinzième anniversaire? (2)
Pourquoi est-ce que Cécile habite avec les Leblanc? Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé a son vrai père? (4)
Quelle tradition vient chez les Acadiens Le jour des Rois? Expliquez la tradition de la bague. (4)
Pourquoi est-ce que le 22 novembre est un jour important chez les Leblanc? (2)
Qui était Pierre Paradis? (2)
Pourquoi est-ce que la vraie maman de Cécile n’est pas venue chez les Leblanc? (2)
Expliquez les tristes nouvelles que les Leblanc ont reçu à propros du navire de capitaine Doucet? (2)
Parce que le pays est en guerre, c’est difficile être riche. La Nouvelle-Ecosse peut faire de bon commerce malgré ça. Comment? (3)
Donnez quatre points que te donne l’impression que l’Acadie est plein de familles pauvres. (8)
Comment est-ce que les Acadiens existent? Lisez encore page 52 et 53 pour décrire. Ecrivez un petit paragraph pour expliquer. (5)
Vocabulaire (10)
Quels sont les mots pour
1. un marché 6. mieux
2. épouser 7. bois
3. hériter 8. s’habituer
4. bonheur 9. n’est plus avec nous
5. coeur 10. un autre mot pour un grand bateau =
mardi - plus-que-parfait
mercredi -
jeudi -
vendredi -
GLC 20
Monday - Rm 102, lab. We are now starting our Culminating Activity. You must choose a career that you will be interested in presenting to the class, and you will be completing a chart in order to start your visual presentation soon.
Tuesday - Rm 102
Wednesday - References - this is part of a final mark as well. You will need a good copy to hand in with a resume and a completed job application.
Thursday - Completing a job application.
Friday - Rm 102. You should be now finding photos, printing out banners, small write-ups to add to your visual presentation.
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