You can now follow, instruct and read directions!
By this point, you should also know the verb ALLER and the verb ETRE and to say where a building or place is in accordance to another.
Wednesday - You will be completing a reading assignment. It is due at the end of class.
Thursday - Listening task. Taking up the verb faire. Create a visual dictionary with the FAIRE terms on pg 56-58 and on p.60.
Friday - Using the verb Faire with weather and activities.
We have received a bunch of information regarding adjectives and reflexive verbs.
Today for homework you are to create 5 sentences describing things you do to yourself in the morning. Ex. Je me lève à 5h et puis je me brosse les dents.
You are also to finish completing the note given on adjectives by ciricling the appt adjective.
TUES / mardi - You will be completing 2 pages of your cahier work given. Accrostiche will be assigned.
WED / mercredi - Accrostiche time in class to work - You will be asked to answer some questions using reflexive verbs to hand in by the end of class as well.
THURS / jeudi - complete cahier handouts, of the reflexive verbs.
-------- Please follow these links for more work with reflexive verbs -------
Do you need another explanation? See this --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzQj448K2HQ
Can you conjugate the verbs properly (some verbs may be new to you, but they follow the same rules http://www.quia.com/pop/41163.html
This video will help with pronounciation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNbDMfslFV0&feature=related
Conjuguemos is always a good place to practice. http://www.conjuguemos.com/activity.php?language=french&id=7&source=public&type=verbs
FRI / vendredi - Accrostiche is due. Reading activity (Mad Lib).
Mon - Comparison questions on Canadian Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Tues - Shake Hands with the Devil film. Be sure to complete questions.
Wed - finish film and class discussion. You will also choose what case you would like to reenact from the list on the board ( R. v Oakes, R v Keegstra, H v M, BC (PSEPC) v BCGSEU, M v H, R v Tessling ) and begin reading up on it. Skit was assigned. You will perform it on Monday. ---- Does law neglect the minority ever to appease the majority? How? ----
---- Does who we have responsible for certain laws and powers play a role in any injustice? ----
Thurs - We created our evaluation for our (/15) and there is a short write up (/10).
Friday - Note on the Charter and the Bill of Rights. Essay assigned. Rehearse skit to PRESENT ON MONDAY!
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