Week of October 24
lundi - describing how to travel in / on modes of transportation
mardi - project #2 assigned (postcard), first library time. Be sure to check the example on outline.
mercredi - last library time for project. Work check ups at the end of class.
jeudi -
vendredi -
lundi - read p 16 - 17 ,
mardi - mini performances and replissez les tirets (fill in the blanks) for hmwk.
mercredi - take up fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives. Listening activity.
jeudi - Listening test and test review
vendredi - Test of reflexive verbs and adjectives
Monday - skit presentations of landmark cases
Tuesday - Canadian Constitution and limitations note . Read Oakes Case handout and complete K / U 1,2,3, Thinking / Inquiry 1c, and Application #2 for Wednesday
Wednesday - essay time in the library
Thursday - take up Oakes, discuss the Notwithstanding Clause
Friday - essay consults and time in the library
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
6 hours ago