Bonjour classes!!!
Here are your instructions for today. Please refresh the page if you don't see your class. I will be updating them.
FSF 1P - Bonjour! We will get back to your survey work when I am back with you tomorrow. Today, you will begin preparing for your next task; describing cities and knowing directions.
Please complete the following, and there is a video for you to enjoy after.
1. There is a wordsearch about common buildings found in cities. Which ones can you identify in English?
2. With a partner, create a chart naming as many store names you know in your community under the following titles ; les supermarches, les restaurants, les pharmacies, les banques, les dentistes, les boulangeries. TRY TO IDENTIFY AT LEAST 4-7 for each store/ building. PLEASE HAND IN YOUR WORK
Ex. Les banques
La Banque Royale
Scotia Bank
PC Financial
3. When you are finished you may get started on an activity the supply has about questions.
4. Here are a few videos for you to enjoy! They attempt to show you why Google Translate isn't a good choice. Can you see an example of why?
Est-ce que tu aimes cette chanson?
Aimes-tu cette chanson?
Please hand in all venomrVenn diagrams that you completed last week to the teacher.
****** If you haven't completed the homework from the blog on the weekend, be sure that you do so tonight. They are marks to be earned tomorrow!*********
1. The teacher has a speaking / listening activity to do with a partner (you may read it and complete the task independently if you wish but it is encouraged to practice speaking). Each nperson will read all descriptions. Hand in the task when it is complete. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully.
2. There is a horoscope reading activity for you to complete. Read the descriptions en français (and if you must, use on the smart board or on the phone to search for unfamiliar words) for each astrological sign and determine whether people you know under those signs have those characteristics. Be sure to analyze yourself!! The dates for each sign are listed. Please complete this for tomorrow. Ask your classmates when their birthdays are if you are looking for people under certain signs. Can you guess what my sign is based on the descriptions?
3. For your first major project, (remember Dana?), I have provided an exemplar if you are finished. Look it over with a partner and identify the elements listed at the bottom of the page.
Bonnie journée!
Bonjour! Today you will be preparing for your first project by doing some 'rough work' that we will assess for feedback tomorrow.
1. There is a listening activity to complete.
The teacher has the question sheet for you to try your best to answer in full sentences. The link for the activity is at the end of that activity and you can find it here. Http:// Be sure to read the questions first to make sure you understand what you are listening for!!!
You may need to copy and paste into a new window. Listen to the story (Activité if you need to click it at the left of the screen) without speech bubbles and listen to the story three times. Hand in your work when it is completed.
Then, for the rest of the period, you will work alone, in a pair, or in a group of three. Choose one or two photos from the photo folder under the Smartboard and create a story. Be as creative as possible, use adjectives, adverbs, avoid nos erreurs communs and provide at least five passé composé phrases per person in the group. You will be sharing your story in groups tomorrow so it must be ready by then. You can rehearse today.
Challenge / Défi ---- use at least three DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs in the past and two REFLEXIVE verbs in the past. Ex. Nous nous sommes dépêchées parce que nous sommes arrivées en retards. Nous nous sommes habillées très lentement, come beaucoup de filles.
Amusez-boys bien et bone journée!
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
3 hours ago