FSF 1P - Vous avez bien parlé aujourd'hui. Today, using an exemplar to see how it sounds and looks, we identified reasons as to why nous préferons des édifices. Students are doing a great job speaking and can challenge themselves by speaking about different buildings. We know many ways in which we can compare places (prix, la service, la qualité). Tomorrow we are starting to give directions! You will have homework on the blog tomorrow!
FSF 1D - Today, we used whole body learning to learn the "prepositions; anywhere un chat peut aller --- sort of!" We know SUR, SOUS, DANS, DEVANT, DERRIERE, and many more. Students could identify buildings on map in conjunction with other buildings en français. Tomorrow we will start giving directions and reading profiles of people who need to go to a certain building.
COMING UP : Please remember that you have a speaking dialogue on Thursday (feedback was given on a pink or orange sheet in preparation, as well as a reading task. Be sure to use time wisely to prepare!! We also checked our work on y and made sentences even better that we noticed weren't 100% perfect, completed a VRAI/FAUX activity on our dialogue and read it aloud.
Please remember that phones and food are to stay in backpacks or lockers!!!
Try this y game - tu veux être millionaire?!
Here is a short video with some bonne prononciation to help with Friday's dialogue activity
Ecoutez cette chanson du pub d'OREO et répondez aux questions
Today we listened to a song that based it's lyrics on the fact they had to mourrir demain. We learned how to describe what we would do. Students listened to, organized and analysed the lyrics and discerned the difference of was doing, will do and would do in many different actions!!! They really put together their previous knowledge learned in this class to new ideas so well. We also made a "bucket list" of what we would do if we were in that situation (or before we turned 40 if we wanted to describe things differently). We read Mme's exemple et elle a presque pleuré parce que les étudiants ont écrit des tellements bonnes choses. Excellent work today!
Regardez les choses que ces enfants feraient s'ils étaient riches... Lequel aimes-tu le plus et pourquoi?
Voici un slideshow pour expliquer le conditionnel...
Jouez au jeopardy!!! Testez-vous!!!
Please be sure to watch the videos from yesterday if you were away today!!
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