Bonjour! Passez un bon weekend!!
FSF 2D- Nous étions au labo aujourd'hui! ☺ All of the work and activities are on elearning. Be sure you are caught up and have watched the video (third activity) for Monday's class.
FSF 1D - Students demonstrated (on paper or in a discussion forum on D2L) that they can complete sentences and answer questions about their wants and abilities! Mme knows who they want to meet, the special talents students have, as well as what they want to do in certain stages of their life!
Remember that on Monday you will be completing a listening activity based on marks on the likes, wants and abilities of a family.
Here is a helpful video to see the level of difficulty we are at for listening comprehension. If you can watch and understand most of this video, you are on the right track!!
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
3 hours ago