FSF 2D - Students learned in small groups and taught themselves the following;
Choose which letters (E, S or nothing) should be added to these past participles (équipe 1s lesson)
Click the correct pronoun from the dropboxes provided
Choose if you can use Y or EN and type it in the space provided
Can you rewrite the sentences with the correct pronouns?
Want a review of everything? Click here!
- Per. 2 - Today, we did group activities in the caf. Students also got to do some trick-or-treating. We voted on our posters for le plus créatif, le plus colorié, etc. et LE MEILLEUR!
We will be in the computer lab tomorrow. Bring your earphones!
Per. 3 - Today, students had three tasks in our lab session;
To know the verb ALLER
T know the pronom Y = there
To know and understand their authentic reading task ( A Montréal et au cinéma).
We will be in the lab tomorrow as well. Bring your headphones!
Le premier ministre de l’Ontario a consulté sa carte du ciel. Il croit les
astres alignés. Les citoyens de la province iront donc aux urnes le 27
février, ...
2 hours ago